
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device

USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device

USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device
Chemical reconnaissance device – a device designed to detect in the air, on the ground and on equipment warfare agents: rocket fuel components, chlorine, sarin, soman, mustard gas, phosgene, diphosgene, hydrocyanic acid, chlorine cyanide, and V-gas vapours in the air. The principle of operation of the CAD is as follows: when pumping through the indicator tubes of the analysed air, in case of the presence of toxic substances (SV), there is a change in the colour of the filler of the tubes, by which approximately determine the concentration of SV. The device consists of a case and pumps placed in it, paper cassettes with indicator tubes, smoke filters, nozzles to the pump, protective caps, a heating pad and cartridges for it, and an electric lantern. In addition, the kit includes a spatula, instruction booklet for the determination of sarin, soman, VX-gases and instructions for operation of the device. For carrying the CAD instrument there is a shoulder strap with a braid. The weight of the kit is about 2.3 kg.
USSR Mint Chemical Military Reconnaissance Device